Li Zhiyuan

Release time:2023-12-25 popularity:0 source:admin

Professor of Hefei University of Technology, doctoral supervisor, laboratory director of Noise and Vibration Research Institute, responsible for the teaching of several courses. Completed "National Natural Fund projects", "Eleventh Five-Year National Science and Technology Support Plan projects" and more than 60 projects entrusted by enterprises: published more than 80 papers at home and abroad; Won 5 invention patents, 114 utility model patents: won 3 software Copyrights: presided over or participated in the formulation of national standards 18: won all kinds of scientific and technological progress awards 4, Anhui Province excellent natural science papers - award 2; Currently, he is also the president of Anhui Micro-Wei Vibration and Noise Reduction Technology Research Institute, the executive director of the National University Mechanical Engineering Testing Technology Research Association, the vice chairman of the National University Mechanical Engineering Testing Technology Research Association (East China Branch), the Standing Committee of the Dynamic Testing Committee of the Chinese Vibration Engineering Society, the director of the Acoustical Society of China, the member of the National Standardization Technical Committee, and the deputy director of Anhui Engineering Vehicle Key Laboratory Job.
